12/5/2024 – DSL Winter Staff Event, Reitz Union Grand Ballroom 4/8/2025 – DSL Spring Staff Event, Reitz Union Grand Ballroom 7/14/2025 – DSL Summer Staff Event, Location TBD Contacts: Patricia Jordan, Senior Director for Talent Management Courtney Quirie, Conference & Event Planner III
LAUNCHING NEW GATORS First Year Florida Instructors make the engine go. First Year Florida is taught by faculty, staff, and administrators at the University of Florida who are committed to first-year student success. A First Year Florida Instructor is a University of Florida employee that is committed to first-year student…
The Life Coach Program is offered to all 3rd and 4th year first-generation students. Students will be paired with a trained Life Coach to receive one-on-one guidance and life planning assistance. By connecting with a Life Coach, students will have the opportunity to maximize their education by gaining guidance from…