Goal: To assist staff in growing areas of talent outside of their current functional area and/or job description. This program will be utilized as an opportunity for talent growth; to assist in the organization’s efforts for staff recognition, retention, cultivation, and promotion.
Program Description
The Division of Student Affairs, as part of its Talent Cultivation and Retention plan, will pilot the Talent Enhancement Program (TEP) starting summer 2018. TEP provides high performing team members who have been at UF for at least a full year, the opportunity to be temporarily reassigned to another unit for no more than 25% of their time for no longer than a semester. This effort allows DSA to grow in house talent, create cross functional competency, and ultimately enhance team member’s Talent Management Plan. Reassignment will be a mutual gain and will be approved by current supervisor and hosted by units who will be able to provide concrete professional experiences that transfer to participants Talent Management Plan. the plan will have clear, identifiable deliverables and measures of success.
Divisional Support
- Division will work with qualified applicants to identify opportunities within the division that meet various competency areas.
- Division will provide incentives to participating areas to host (TEP) participants.
- Division will codify partial temporary reassignment, thus allowing participant to showcase on their resume.
- Division will provide support letter after successful completion of program length.
- Eligible applicants must be a full time employee with the division for at least one year, have a performance evaluation on file, be in good standing with their department, and have departmental/supervisor support.
- Applicants will apply to be part of partial temporary reassignment and with support of supervisor.
- Applicant must provide written plan that connects participation to a Talent Management Plan. The Talent Management Plan should demonstrate desired skill, experience, and leadership opportunities being sought, and how skill acquisition would be measured and applied toward goals.
- Applicant must identify how experience will enhance their contribution to team and division.
- Applicant must provide plan on how current job responsibilities will be met.
- Concluding experience participant must complete their Talent Management Plan and indicate next phase of development, as well as provide summary overview to hosting department and supervisor.
- Submit supplemental supervisor support form.
Hosting Department
- Must be able to provide tangible experiences/deliverables that allow true skill acquisition per applicants Talent Management Plan (Note: This is not a shadowing experience).
- Must provide supervision and cultivation of program participant.
- Must meet regularly with participant to revisit position deliverables and Talent Management Plan.
- Must provide feedback/review summary at end of program for participant.
- Will provide successful participants a written letter regarding experience.
- Cultivate internal talent at low cost.
- Provide talent to areas with need.
- Provide internal positional and experiential growth.
- Increase staff satisfaction and retention.
- Recognize and showcase top performing departments.
- Direct experience in specified area.
- Ability to acquire and/or grow targeted competency or skill set.
- Diversify skill set and showcase talent within the division.
- A successful participant will receive professional development grant.
- Invited to end of program lunch with VPSA (will include one guest of choice).
Hosting Department
- Receive staff development funds to be used for team and staff development opportunities.